"Lippy Logic Rides Again" is our all new production of laugh-out loud comedy and moving drama.
Just imagine the scene when two ladies of a certain age come up against the might of the Tour de France in the Yorkshire Dales....
You can find out what happens on Wednesday 25th June - full details of this and our other shows this year will be published soon.
Meantime do have a look at us and the Yorkshire Festival website or brochure to see what's in store from many and varied arts groups in the 100 days leading up to Le Grand Départ:
Festival 2014 is the first ever arts festival to precede the Grand
Départ in its 111 year history. Nearly
50 events have been selected to be officially part of Yorkshire
Festival 2014 which will also include hundreds of fringe events. Visit, Yorkshire Festival on Facebook or follow
Yorkshire Festival 2014 on Twitter - YFest2014
A bientôt!
Christine et Veronique
Proud to bring live theatre to your doorstep:
To book tickets, or our show "Lippy Logic Rides Again" at your venue, contact
Click here to find out more about "A Double Dose of Lippy Logic" from 2013
email us or add a comment below (as anonymous if all else fails!)
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