Sunday, 1 May 2016

Keep Fit the Lippy Logic way

Ever keen to research and develop material for Lippy Logic, off we went to the gym on a Spa day!

The Lippy Logic Fitness Video is now in the editing suite (where's that then? C) (What's that then? V).

We investigated a range of exercise regimes - rowing....

cycling (Well after a fashion)

who can jump onto the highest pile of mats (Was this one only 3 inches high? C)
and try to stay on the wobble boards (what? with our ankles? V)
Not for the camera were the wet experiences in the spa swimming pool. Ooooeer the jacuzzi was fun but by! It weren't arf hot in the steam room...

However if the video remains in pieces on the cutting room floor, you might expect Cissie and Verna to have something to say about their day at the Spa. Watch this space

Meanwhile if the Frost doesn't get you, enjoy the Spring!

Christine and Veronica

Proud to bring Live Theatre to your doorstep 

Photos and the day: courtesy The Elles.